Monday, August 8, 2022

How to Use Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. This can assist you in managing or preventing bodily issues such as incontinence. Incontinence is defined as uncontrollable urine (pee) or faces (poop) leaking.

Kegel exercises can also help improve your sexual health and pleasure by:

  • Relaxing your vaginal muscles, allowing your vagina to expand up? This is useful if you have pain during sexual intercourse, pelvic examinations, or both.
  • Improving blood circulation to your vagina and pelvic floor. This can assist to boost sexual arousal.
  • Boosting vaginal lubrication (wetness).
  • Making it simpler to achieve orgasm.

About Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Your pelvic floor muscles support your pelvic organs and create the bottom of your pelvis (uterus, bladder, and bowel). Your pelvic floor muscles are the ones you'd employ to stop a stream of pee, keep from releasing gas, or have a bowel movement (pooping). They are also during an orgasm, muscles might contract (tighten). Figure 1 depicts the pelvic muscles and organs.

Identifying your pelvic floor muscles

If you're not sure which muscles are your pelvic floor muscles, here are a few methods to tell:

  • Assume you're urinating (peeing). Constrict the muscles that would be used to halt the flow of pee. Don't try to halt your pee stream, especially if your bladder is full. This can actually weaken your muscles and cause your bladder to not entirely empty. This raises your chances of getting a urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • Tense the muscles that you employ to hold back a bowel movement or keep yourself from passing gas, but do not contract the muscles in your buttock (butt), abdomen (belly), or inner thigh. Your body should not rise up at all if you execute it correctly. You're probably engaging your buttock muscles if you see your body lifting slightly.
  •        Insert a finger or a vaginal dilator into your vagina, then constrict the pelvic floor muscles around the finger or dilator. You should be happy. Your vagina tightens and your pelvic floor rises.

     When contracting your pelvic floor muscles, avoid using your abdominal, leg, or buttock muscles. These muscles will not assist you develop your pelvic floor muscles. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your buttocks or leg to see whether you're also contracting your abdominal, leg, or buttock muscles.

Squeeze the muscles in your pelvic floor. You're employing the wrong muscles if you feel your belly, leg, or buttocks move.

After contracting your pelvic floor muscles, make sure to totally relax them. Contact your healthcare physician if you are experiencing difficulty recognizing your pelvic floor muscles.

Doing Kegel Exercises

To obtain the best results, conduct 2 to 3 bouts of Kegel exercises every day once you've learned to contract your pelvic floor muscles appropriately. It's ideal to spread out the sessions throughout the day.


Before you begin, choose a comfortable position in which your body is relaxed. Most people prefer to perform Kegel exercises while laying down or sitting on a chair. Once you've mastered the exercises, you should be able to perform them in any posture and location, such as standing while waiting in line.

Once you're at ease, proceed with the next stages.

  • Deeply inhale through your nose, allowing your abdomen to lift as it fills with air. As you breathe in, keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed.
  • Breathe out slowly and evenly through your lips while contracting your pelvic floor muscles lightly.
  • While exhaling, keep your pelvic floor muscles clenched for 3 to 6 seconds (or until your muscles weary). This is known as a contraction.
  • Inhale again and exhale the contraction. This helps to relax your muscles.
  •          For 6 to 10 seconds, thoroughly relax your muscles. It is critical that you relax completely between contractions and do not hold your breath. Spend at least as much time relaxing your muscles as you did contracting them.

         10 times every session, repeat this workout

If    you experience pain when performing Kegel exercises, stop immediately. Kegelexercises are not dangerous, but they are not for everyone. Most individuals find them calming when done correctly. They should not hurt. If you experience pain during or after performing Kegel exercises, you may not be performing the exercise correctly, or Kegel exercises may not be suitable for you. To explore this further, contact your healthcare provider.

     When to progress to longer contractions

If   Your pelvic floor muscles aren't weary after a 3 to 6 second contraction, or if you execute 10 Kegel exercises in a succession, you can proceed by holding the contractions for 6 to 10 seconds, then releasing your muscles totally for 10 seconds. Maintain your breathing while holding the contractions. 

Y    our objective should be to hold a powerful contraction for 10 seconds for 10 consecutive    Times.

If   You're experiencing trouble with the Kegel exercises, consulting with a physical Therapist that specializes in the pelvic floor can be beneficial. You can get a Recommendation from your healthcare physician.

I     Information about Sexual Health and Intimac

       you need more support or information about sexual health or intimacy, you can also talk with SAFE HANDS Dr. Vinod Raina Multispecialty STD Clinic. For more information or to make an appointment, call 9871605858, 7687878787.

       The SAFE HANDS Dr. Vinod Raina Multispecialty STD Clinic provides services at The following locations

    E-34, EKTA APARTMENT, Saket, Near Opposite, Malviya Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 110017

     Know more about please visit our official Website

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Diabetic Impotency

We've all heard the expression, "I have a friend who..." Sometimes we do it out of embarrassment or fear of certain stereotypes. In India, however, men with diabetes are three times more likely to have impotency problems, which occur 10 to 15 years earlier than those without diabetes. Dr. Vinod Raina and his colleagues at Safe Hands Clinic answer some of the most frequently asked questions about impotency symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, as well as its relationship with diabetes.

What exactly is diabetic impotency?

Impotency is characterized as a man's inability to produce and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual engagement. When compared to the general population, the diabetic population has a much greater rate of impotency. It can have an impact on your intimacy, self-esteem, and love relationship with your spouse, as well as cause anxiety and depression, which require correct diagnosis and treatment. The good news is that those who keep their diabetes under control can lower their chances of developing these sexual issues at a young age.

How Diabetes Affects Erection

Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction because of several changes in a man's body that make erection difficult, including

  • Reduced circulation causes the quantity of blood required for an erection to occur.
  • The difficulty of the penile artery, which reduces blood concentration in this area owing to atherosclerosis,
  • Sexual pleasure is reduced when insensitivity changes.

 As a result, if the guy has diabetes and does not receive correct treatment, he is at a high risk of having erection issues as well as many other major health concerns.

Is it common for diabetics to have erectile dysfunction?

In diabetic people over the age of 60, the prevalence of some degree of erectile dysfunction is frequently more than 50%. Numerous studies show that in people under the age of 45, erectile dysfunction is an early indicator of metabolic problems such as diabetes. In other words, a diabetic patient is three times more likely to develop impotency, and the condition worsens with time. In conclusion, it is much more common than you would think, and therefore a topic that diabetes patients must discuss.

What are the most effective methods for avoiding erectile dysfunction?

As is typically the case, eliminating harmful behaviors and altering one's lifestyle might help alleviate symptoms.

  •     Smoking cessation
  •     Cutting back on alcohol consumption
  •     Managing Anxiety and Stress
  •     Dietary balance Exercise for 30-60 minutes each day, 3–7 days per week.

In addition to the foregoing, if diabetes is diagnosed, stringent glucose management is required.

Is it true that everything is the fault of the mind, or is it caused by a loss of sexual interest?

The mind can indeed generate erectile dysfunction in situations such as:

  • ·   Stress and anxiety from work or home.
  • ·   Marital conflicts
  • ·   Depression
  • ·   Sexual boredom

However, certain illnesses, such as testosterone insufficiency or other hormonal problems, manifest as a lack of sexual desire. To rule out these possibilities, you must be assessed by a doctor.

The origin of sexual problems

The difficulty in having intercourse is referred to as "sexual dysfunction" or "issue." It might be the result of specific choice considerations. Most sexual issues are caused by a mix of the situation and your response to it.

Some guys put pressure on themselves or feel forced by their spouse to perform sexually effectively, and they become upset when they don't (sexual performance anxiety). Sexual performance anxiety can cause issues and impair a man's ability to enjoy sex. The issue does not end with sexual nervousness.

Sexual dysfunction is a disease that makes maintaining satisfying sexual relationships difficult or impossible. This might happen at any point throughout the sexual act (desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution). Many people are unaware that the source of their sexual problems is always somewhere in the decisions they made earlier in their lives.

For example, a person may feel guilty if they fail to satisfy their partner. Later, he saw an advertisement promising that taking a pill would prolong his duration and allow him to have a profound sexual experience. The individual took the drug without consulting a doctor or other professional. It developed significant sexual problems such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and nightfall.

What choices might lead to sexual dysfunction or problems?

Being swayed by random advertisements promising a better sexual life insufficient knowledge prior to doing penis enlargement courses attempting home cures for sexual dysfunction or issues

What sexual issues might a person have after taking medications or using services without contacting a specialist?

Early ejaculation Sexual dysfunction sexually transmitted infections are Sexual desire is restrained. Sexual unhappiness Disorder of Hypoactive Sexual Drive

Can it be prevented?

There are no proven methods for preventing sexual dysfunction. It is nearly impossible to prevent catastrophe after a person has taken actions based on certain random decisions. The greatest preventative is a consultation with a sexologist before trying on things that have impacted him.

How to treat erectile dysfunction in diabetes

The statistics do not lie: a significant proportion of diabetic patients experience sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives, though many do not dare to openly discuss the issue, which may be one of the main barriers to their evaluation and treatment.

As a result, it is suggested that you see a doctor at the first indication since prompt and proper care helps a diabetic have a satisfying sexual life. However, diabetes-related impotency cannot always be healed or reversed because it is dependent on the severity of the afflicted blood vessels. As a result, even with therapy, it may not be sufficient to achieve a decent erection in the most severe situations. Nonetheless, it is only

Make an appointment.

To reach Dr. Vinod Raina, you can contact him on WhatsApp at his number 9871605858. You can also contact him on our official website.

Call us at 7687878787, or 9871605858.

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Monday, August 1, 2022

Treatment and Prevention of Nightfall | Wet Dreams

Treatment of Nightfall

The therapy is dependent on identifying and addressing any underlying causes.

The majority of occurrences of nightfall in young boys and men do not require therapy. They are common, owing to a lack of sexual activity and less regular masturbation to release the accumulated sperm. If you are concerned, contacting a doctor would be beneficial.

Nightfall Due to Drug Side Effect

If you are using drugs or hormone supplements for an underlying disease, your dose may need to be adjusted or you may need to switch to a different prescription. Do not discontinue or adjust the dosage of any medication without first consulting your doctor.

Prostate Gland Inflammation

Prostate gland inflammation can cause pain while passing urine, pain during ejaculation, or blood in the sperm or urine. If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, see your doctor. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the prostate infection. In severe situations, or if prostate cancer is suspected, the prostate gland should be removed.

Nervous System Problems

The nerves that govern ejaculation can be harmed or impaired by ageing, infections, severe traumas, or illnesses including stroke, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Treatment entails addressing the underlying cause. However, depending on the reason, the reaction may differ. While nightfall caused by infections resolves rapidly after the illness is treated, reasons like as multiple sclerosis or other neural system problems may be difficult to treat.

Prevention/Reduction of Nightfall

·         Masturbating on a regular basis to expel extra sperm

·         Limit or avoid seeing sexually explicit stuff.

·         Before going to bed, empty your bladder.

·         Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising on a regular basis.

·         Before heading to bed, take a warm bath. It will be calming and beneficial to your sleep.

·         Speaking with a doctor or a counselor may be beneficial.

·         Drinking sage tea or yoghurt may be beneficial.


Treatment options

According to Dr. Vinod Raina (Sexologist in Delhi), Nightfall can limit your daily life and affect intimacy. This work can affect your self-esteem and your personal relationships. However, the good news is that there is a cure for this problem completely.

If you are facing this problem and you are not getting any kind of response with simple medicine, then contact Delhi's best sexologist, Dr. Vinod Raina, and get complete treatment for Nightfall.

How do you meet Dr. Vinod Raina?              

To reach Dr. Vinod Raina, you can contact him on WhatsApp at his number 9871605858. You can also contact him on our official website.

Call us at 7687878787, or 9871605858.

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How to Use Kegel Exercises

K egel exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. This can assist you in managing or preventing bodily issues such as i...